Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lessons of Life


Twenty-seven long years of living life to the fullest makes me a better and stronger person, yet I also know that life has its unexpected twists and turns. Still, I welcome it with open and willing arms. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.

In life, I have learned that if there is anything that I want to change, I want to give or I want to happen, it always starts with me. 

How can I give love if I do not have it? How would I effect change if I do not live by it as an example?

Many times in the past I had my heart broken, bore excruciating pain, lost loved ones, betrayed by friends and disappointed by people. But if there is one thing in my life I have learned is to realize that life does not stop to sympathize with my grief. Life has to go on. 

Life is what we make out of it. Sometimes it is like a roller coaster ride, filled with excitement, magic, and danger all at the same time. 

On other days, it can also be like a circus that is filled with many impossible things. The only common denominator is that the only constant thing is change. 

Our life shows us that we have choices to make, goals to meet and people to love. Oftentimes, our life’s success is not measured by how wealthy we have become or how we have reached the peak of our careers. 

It is measured by how happy we have become. It is all about living our life according to God’s will and grand design.

Life in general will teach us how to survive the toughest fights, love to the fullest and live well. As we tread along the path of our life, we will learn a lot of things along the way. But what sets us apart from everybody is else is positive attitude. We must see the glass as half full instead of half empty.

Forgive quickly for life is too short. Enjoy the simple pleasures of life, even its minutest details for we will never be in this moment again. 

Anger and hate blinds us to virtues. It erodes character even if hidden.

I’ve learned that no matter what, I am accountable for my actions. Nobody is to be blamed but me. Alibis, mere denials and excuses are the weakest forms of defenses.

Life is about taking risks, but it should be calculated ones. We should not be afraid to give, and try things in this lifetime. Yet, we have to make rational decisions since our acts affects people around us.

Best of all, time must be treasured for time lost can never be regained.

No one is in charge of my happiness. I’ve learned to make peace with my past so I won’t screw up the present. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. Tough times never last, but tough people do.

But the best lesson life has given me so far is to keep my faith alive and trust in God’s providence, love and promises. By endurance and faith, I will conquer! Since I still have three-fourths of my life ahead of me, I sincerely believe that life is beautiful despite its drudgery.

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